By Max Stone
When shopping the Rolex replicas on the internet, you may be tempted to buy from the website that offers the lowest price. After all, they are all fake watches. Why will you pay more when you can get a cheaper? Wrong. Do not be fooled. The quality of Rolex replicas vary a lot according to their grades. If you want a durable watch that would make you feel good, buy the ones of high grade.
Indeed, the authentic Rolex watches may be of the same quality worldwide, but for its Replicas, they can be generally categorized into 5 grades: Grade 1, Swiss replicas, the best; Grade 2-4, Japanese replicas, high quality; Grade 5, Chinese replicas, low quality. These 5 grades of Rolex replicas vary in movement, watch case, bezel, weight, warranty and of course price.
What are the differences between these 5 grades of replicas specifically?
Let us talk about the prices first. The prices of these 5 grades of Rolex replicas range from $10 to hundreds. You may even find some replicas priced at thousands of dollars. These replica watches are sold as real Rolex watches. It is really mean for those sellers to treat their customers. In such cases, you do not get what you pay.
So how can we tell the 5 grades of Rolex replicas apart except for their difference in prices?
First of all, the weight of the watch matters. The better replicas are usually heavier because they are made of good solid alloy. The best replicas have the same weight as the authentic Rolex. So, if you find your replica is too light in proportion to its size, then it should be of lower grade and lower price.
Secondly, the water resistance of the replicas also reveals their quality. Nowadays, with the development of the watchmaking technology, many replica watches are made water-proof to certain extent. For example, the Swiss replica can be water-resistant to 30 meters (100 feet), while the Grade 2-4 replicas are usually water-resistant to just 3-5 meters (10-15 feet). You can wear the Japanese replica when showering (although not recommended), but you should not put it underwater, because the underwater pressure is higher and water may get inside the watch. Should it happen, you should put your watch in the sun until the fogging in the watch evaporates out.
Finally, different movements also lead to different prices. The Grade 1 Swiss replica has 25-jewel, the Japanese is 21. The best replica watches use the famous Swiss ETA movements. ETA movements can be largely produced, they are reliable and inexpensive. It is good to use ETA movements in the replica watches. And the Japanese movements are also good, too.
Many sources report that the genuine Rolex has a 31-jewel movement, the Swiss is 27-25, Japanese is 25. However, ETA - a 200 year old Swiss company that specializes in making jeweled movements - contends that the highest possible range is 25. If you care about jewel movement, you should probably choose a Swiss or Japanese replica.
In conclusion, when shopping Rolex replica watches, you should pay more attention to the specs in addition to the price. The reasonable price of a high-quality Rolex replica is around $100-200.
When shopping the Rolex replicas on the internet, you may be tempted to buy from the website that offers the lowest price. After all, they are all fake watches. Why will you pay more when you can get a cheaper? Wrong. Do not be fooled. The quality of Rolex replicas vary a lot according to their grades. If you want a durable watch that would make you feel good, buy the ones of high grade.
Indeed, the authentic Rolex watches may be of the same quality worldwide, but for its Replicas, they can be generally categorized into 5 grades: Grade 1, Swiss replicas, the best; Grade 2-4, Japanese replicas, high quality; Grade 5, Chinese replicas, low quality. These 5 grades of Rolex replicas vary in movement, watch case, bezel, weight, warranty and of course price.
What are the differences between these 5 grades of replicas specifically?
Let us talk about the prices first. The prices of these 5 grades of Rolex replicas range from $10 to hundreds. You may even find some replicas priced at thousands of dollars. These replica watches are sold as real Rolex watches. It is really mean for those sellers to treat their customers. In such cases, you do not get what you pay.
So how can we tell the 5 grades of Rolex replicas apart except for their difference in prices?
First of all, the weight of the watch matters. The better replicas are usually heavier because they are made of good solid alloy. The best replicas have the same weight as the authentic Rolex. So, if you find your replica is too light in proportion to its size, then it should be of lower grade and lower price.
Secondly, the water resistance of the replicas also reveals their quality. Nowadays, with the development of the watchmaking technology, many replica watches are made water-proof to certain extent. For example, the Swiss replica can be water-resistant to 30 meters (100 feet), while the Grade 2-4 replicas are usually water-resistant to just 3-5 meters (10-15 feet). You can wear the Japanese replica when showering (although not recommended), but you should not put it underwater, because the underwater pressure is higher and water may get inside the watch. Should it happen, you should put your watch in the sun until the fogging in the watch evaporates out.
Finally, different movements also lead to different prices. The Grade 1 Swiss replica has 25-jewel, the Japanese is 21. The best replica watches use the famous Swiss ETA movements. ETA movements can be largely produced, they are reliable and inexpensive. It is good to use ETA movements in the replica watches. And the Japanese movements are also good, too.
Many sources report that the genuine Rolex has a 31-jewel movement, the Swiss is 27-25, Japanese is 25. However, ETA - a 200 year old Swiss company that specializes in making jeweled movements - contends that the highest possible range is 25. If you care about jewel movement, you should probably choose a Swiss or Japanese replica.
In conclusion, when shopping Rolex replica watches, you should pay more attention to the specs in addition to the price. The reasonable price of a high-quality Rolex replica is around $100-200.